The Hawaii State Chapter of Children’s Justice Centers (Hawaii CJC) is a registered 501(c)(3) created in 2012 to serve the five Children’s Justice Centers (CJCs) and their five respective nonprofit “Friends” groups by uniting them across the state to strengthen the response to child abuse allegations, to benefit child abuse victims, and prevent child abuse from happening. Our mission remains the same today. We exist so that every child victim of violence or abuse in Hawaii has equal access to holistic resources and treatment, and every professional involved in their case is provided excellent support and training. We imagine a world where our keiki are free from harm, and our work flows from that vision.
Jill Natividad
Terri Lum
Chapter Coordinator
Chapter Assistant
Nikkole Drake-Clark
CJC of East Hawaii
David Okumura
CJC of West Hawaii
Holly Walker
FCJC of Kauai
Board President
Anne Ezer
FCJC of Oahu
Board Member
Jasmine Mau-Mukai
CJCs Statewide
Board Vice President
Jacqueline Cockett
CJC of Mauai
Board Member
David Okumura
CJC of West Hawaii
Board Secretary
Karla Huerta-Balocan
CJC of Kauai
Board Member
Nikkole Drake-Clark
CJC of East Hawaii
Board Member
Dale Ross
Kids Matter West Hawaii
Board Member