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If you have any suspicion that a child may be a victim of abuse neglect or is at risk of abuse or neglect, please do the right thing and report. The following information is for those who are legally required to report abuse based upon their occupation, but all adults have a responsibility to care for our keiki. Suspicion is enough to report; you do not need proof. Please go to the section titled How to Make a Report to learn more.


 What is the Mandated Reporting Law in Hawaii?


In Chapter 350, Hawaii Revised Statues (HRS), the mandated reporting law on child abuse specifies:


  • Who must report to the DHS or the police if there is reason to believe that child abuse or neglect has occurred or that there exists a substantial risk that child abuse or neglect will occur in the reasonably foreseeable future

  • What kinds of situations need to be reported

  • How to report

  • The action taken upon reporting

  • Who is immune from liability

  • The confidentiality of reports

  • What’s admissible evidence

  • Penalty for not reporting


 How does Chapter 350, HRS define child abuse  and neglect in the state of Hawaii?


Child abuse and neglect is defined by Chapter 350, HRS to be any action or inaction that causes any form of physical harm to a child; if a child has been the victim of sexual contact or exploitation; if the child is not provided in a timely manner with adequate food, clothing, shelter, psychological care, physical care, medical care, or supervision; the child is provide dangerous, harmful, or detrimental drugs outside of the direction of a practitioner; if a child has been the victim of labor trafficking; or if a child has been a victim of sex trafficking.


 When must child abuse be reported?


If a mandated reporter has any reason to believe that child abuse, neglect, or trafficking has occurred, or that a child may be a victim of child abuse, neglect, or trafficking in the future, they must immediately report. Any suspicion is enough to report; you do not need proof.


 Who is mandated to report child abuse and neglect?


If you are uncertain if you fall into one of these categories, please contact Child Welfare Services to learn more about whether or not you are mandated to report in the state of Hawaii. However, remember that all adults have a responsibility to report child abuse, even if they are not a mandated reporter.

Professional reporters include, but are not limited to: 








 Daycare employees


 Employees of a clinic or health care facility that provides reproductive services


 Juvenile probation, detention or correctional officers


 How to Make a Report


If you believe a child is in immediate danger, please call 911.


To report suspected abuse or neglect, please call the Child Abuse and Neglect reporting line:


Oahu – 808-832-5300 

Toll Free Neighbor Islands – 1-888-380-6688


If you have any suspicion of labor or sex trafficking, please call the Human Trafficking reporting line:


Oahu – 808-832-1999

Toll Free Neighbor Islands – 1-888-398-1188


The police or child welfare services will walk you through the process on how to make a report. To make sure you are prepared, please read the CWS Guide for Mandated Reporters .


*This information was provided by the Hawaii Department of Child Welfare Services.

How to Report
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